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Our resourcing and pricing models are entirely led by what our advice means for our clients and their businesses. This might be protecting their brand, managing reputational risk, providing a rapid response to an investigation or delivering a politically sensitive project. The way we structure our teams flexes enormously to provide the right solution to deliver on the priorities for clients.
We constantly analyse our routine work to find better ways of resourcing - to make our standard legal services more cost effective and efficient for clients. Our management information facilitates these process and operations improvements, and provides clients with the reassurance that our pricing is keen and competitive.
Transparency, certainty and value are the guiding principles in our approach to pricing – and we're not afraid to share risks with clients to reflect the value of our advice to them.
Examples of our approach to pricing and resourcing projects, often at short notice, include:
The Solicitors Regulation Authority and Law Society of Scotland require firms to proactively publish information about certain common services.
Information about TLT services within this category, including pricing and key service elements, as well as links to the relevant lawyers who can act on these matters, can be found on the following pages:
For services to members of the public:
For services to business: