Our team of experts understands that IT infrastructure is critical to business success. We advise customers and suppliers of IT services on suitable contracts to manage the risks associated with IT procurement and delivery. This ranges from off-the-shelf software solutions to complex, bespoke, business critical systems integrations.

Our clients include businesses in the retail and consumer goods, financial services, energy and renewables and leisure sectors, as well as public bodies. We also advise software houses and suppliers of IT services.

We support clients throughout the whole IT lifecycle, from first steps in a procurement to exit management. The team helps negotiate and manage contracts, delivering the IT results clients need at the right price, taking risk into account.

IT failures hit companies hard and delays in service delivery and outages of live systems hurt productivity and profit as well as reputation. In regulated sectors this can also mean fines. We help buyers negotiate contracts that protect against these risks, using our sector expertise to ensure requests are realistic in the market. Our team works with suppliers to manage buyer expectations and to establish proportionate risk/reward balances in contracts.


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