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Pensions Dashboards – get up to speed
Value for Members – analyse the value your scheme offers
TPR takes over from the CMA – be aware of the changes
Cost-of-living increases - prepare to address the challenges
Plus – what to expect in the coming weeks.
Get up to speed on dashboards. The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is urging schemes to make sure they’re prepared as staging dates move closer – and notes that it will take “a dim view” of those who “fail to prioritise their dashboard responsibilities.”
We have now had the DWP’s response to its consultation on the dashboard regulations, and expect the final version imminently; the Pensions Dashboards Programme’s consultation on draft dashboard “standards”; updated TPR guidance, and industry guidance on data accuracy, amongst other things.
ACTION: ensure your scheme is aware of its staging date, and continue to take steps so that your data is in order and your scheme ready to connect.
ACTION: where relevant to your scheme, table as a standing issue at trustee meetings.
ACTION: whilst affected schemes should already be largely compliant with the requirements, there are some technical differences between the two regimes to be aware of.
ACTION: be prepared to discuss at your trustee meetings – and to respond to increased member concerns and queries.”
Date published
25 August 2022