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If your premises currently has the benefit of a pavement licence (many of the current permissions expire at the end of September 2023) then you should reapply for a further pavement licence to ensure that you have continuity of trade in your external area.
This application should be submitted in sufficient time (at least 2 weeks before the current expiry date for your existing permission) to enable your licensing authority to consult and determine your application, before the existing permission expires
If your premises does not currently have the benefit of a pavement licence (or you wish to extend the area covered by your pavement licence) you should consider making an application for a new permission so as to take advantage of any “grandfather rights” that may exist when the pavement regime is made permanent, likely 2024.
If you require any advice or assistance in relation to pavement licensing please contact Ewen Macgregor.
Date published
24 July 2023