The Building Safety Act 2022 is complex with 18 sets of secondary regulations so far, and more to come. 

Throughout November 2023, we ran a webinar series to break down the complex legislation into specific aspects of the Act and what that means in practice. 

The series is aimed at those who work for local authorities or social housing. However, others such as landlords and developers may also find it of interest.  

Further details on the topic of each webinar is listed below, including the link to watch on demand. 

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In this webinar we explore the new concepts of ‘relevant building’ and Higher-risk Building as well as getting to grips with the new statutory definition of what is a Building using examples in respect of the common issues that arise when determining where one building finishes and another begins. 

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In this webinar we explain the registration process for any newly constructed Higher-risk Building, what to expect once an application has been submitted and what the consequences are for failing to register the building. 

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In this webinar we delve into the transitional provisions and how the BSA will impact ongoing developments of Higher-risk Buildings. Including when the Building Control authority transfers to the BSR and what this means for developments. We also explore the new duty holder obligations and what ongoing developments need to have regard to. 

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In this webinar we get to grips with the new roles and responsibilities imposed on both landlords and tenants of Higher-risk Buildings. We explore the terms implied into leases, look at what is meant by the ‘Golden Thread’ as well as looking at what Landlord’s need to do to implement a successful Resident’s Engagement Strategy and the potentially disastrous fallout from not having done so. 

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This webinar asks the question of is the landlord obligated to remedy historic Relevant Defects and explores the extent of this obligation. We explore the concept of Relevant Defect and look at what is the true obligation/extent of remedying such a defect in both Relevant Buildings and Higher-risk Buildings.

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This webinar will focus on understanding what is a Qualifying Lease, why this is important and how the schedule 8 waterfall of protects operates. We explore issues coming to light with the developer test and the contribution test and what these may mean in practice for landlords.

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We look at the Act and the 'Responsible Person'. The Building Safety Act amended section 156 of the Fire Safety Order, which has a number of applications to a wide range of commercial premises, owners, those in control of commercial premises, and common parts of residential premises.

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We discuss building a safety case and active risk management in relation to the Building Safety Act, including:

  • Fundamental change in approach to building safety
  • What is a building safety case, and how do you prepare one?
  • Active risk management
  • Mandatory occurrence reporting
  • Who do you need to keep informed?
  • How often do you need to review?

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Date published

30 November 2023

Meet the speakers


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