TLT is committed to paying our suppliers promptly and in accordance with contractual terms.

We have robust internal systems and support to ensure that our Supplier Payments team receive and pay invoices promptly. This includes:

  • Robust and transparent vetting of new suppliers and ongoing monitoring
  • A thorough on-boarding process for all new suppliers
  • Training for budget holders
  • A clear approval process with the budget holder
  • A commitment to pay all invoices within 30 days of the invoice date.

Meeting our commitments means monitoring and identifying areas for improvement, which in 2021 means: 

  • Increasing the frequency of internal training for budget holders and relevant individuals
  • Increasing internal reporting – including identifying late payments

If you have any queries about late payments, please speak to your contact at TLT in the first instance or email including your invoice number and TLT contact details in the subject line, so that we can action your query promptly.


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